Thursday, 10 June 2010

Prototype Motors

This is a video of the prototype mirror motor. Its speed here is 500 RPM operating from 1 volt at 100µA (0.1mW). The base is an optical quality 10cm focal length concave mirror.

This is a video of the prototype levitating motor. Its speed here is 1,000 RPM operating from 1 volt at 100µA (0.1mW).

The above videos are of prototype motors that are under development by ourselves.

The electronic design has been completed and all that remains is the production of the final motors. To achieve the quality of the product, the plinths will be CNC routed and laser cut from mahogany, cedar, oak, teak and plastic acrylic. The result will be that of a well finished solid plinth with inlaid solar cells.

In later entries, block schematics of the design will be illustrated and discussed.

There is considerable interest and thoughts on the principles of over‑unity, energy from the vacuum, zeropoint energy’ and renewed efforts to appreciate the ‘flaws’ that might lie at the very heart of our understanding of basic physics – The Laws of Thermodynamics. It is not our intent to neither dismiss nor comment on these principles, for whether or not these motors break these laws, there is no doubt at all that they have provided so many with a sense of wonder, fun, awe, inspiration, speculation, debate and fervent activity. Science and its exploration of discovery should be an interesting, exciting and intellectually challenging adventure for us all !

All that we do advise is extreme caution; much of the ‘evidence’, ‘facts’ and ‘claims’ are erroneous. Painstaking research, investigation and reasoned experimentation are vital. Understanding the limitations of measurement equipment and techniques will prevent errors and over simplification of results. For example, most voltmeters / ammeters display RMS values - they are based on steady state DC conditions or sinusoidal AC waveforms. Bedini Motors are pulse driven, so transient impulses might reach hundreds of volts without significant power. Equally, the phase relationships between volts and current can lead to false conclusions. (Ref. : Power Factor)

We have learnt much during our development stages, working at ultra low power levels has allowed us to appreciate the operating principles of these motors.

Whilst we understand our designs, there are still areas to be explored. For example, we have noted inexplicable periods during which our motors become ‘unstable’. The prototype video of the mirror motor shows the rotor cycling around the surface, yet for 95% of the time, it remains rotating yet stationary. The cyclic path is always triangular, then circular before decaying to a static position.
